Saturday, August 24, 2013

Big and Been's Birds

Big and Been live and travel on a boat. 

This has taken them to far-away places where they have seen many different animals.

While Big and Been are sailing, birds fly high above the boat...
...and they also fly close to the water to see fish to catch.

Sometimes birds are tired from flying far from shore and they come to rest on the boat.
This bird spent a night on the boat

This bird stopped when it was
wet from a rain storm
Look at the two birds above: what colour are their legs?

Many birds sit on the boat when it is anchored.
The birds sit on the boat to rest and to look for fish in the water.

Do you see that these birds have webbed feet?
This helps the birds swim when they dive in the water for fish!

Watch this video to see birds trying to balance on the rail in the wind.

How many birds can you see on the front of the boat in the next video? 

Big and Been also watch birds trying to catch fish.

Look! This bird caught a fish!

From the boat, Big and Been can see birds resting in trees.

This is a big fluffy chick in its nest

Watch this video of the chick; it is not yet strong enough to leave its nest. 

What colour are this bird's feet?
The bird is called a red-foot Booby Bird.

These birds are very different from the birds in your garden and the parks nearby aren’t they?
That is because these are all sea birds.

Here is a bird you have seen in your garden: it is a pigeon. But this one is sitting looking over the sea - I wonder what it is watching?

Come and see the sea birds from Big and Been's boat Ketoro!

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